Brothers Window Washing Flagstaff

Window Cleaning in Flagstaff

I, David Kaminski, started cleaning windows way back in 1992.  I was hired by Dallas Sheppard at Brother’s Window Washing.  Without Dallas teaching me how to clean windows, it’s not known if I would have ever gotten into cleaning windows.  I am very grateful for what Dallas showed me many years ago.

I eventually moved down to the Phoenix area and started my own business, Professional Window Cleaning in 1999.  Shortly later, I was offered to purchase Pine Country Window Cleaning from Steve Mullineaux, a good friend of mine.

Since I went to High School in Flagstaff, and attended Northern Arizona University, I loved the thought of going back to Flagstaff, so I decided to make the purchase.

Business to me means doing the best at all times.  Not just for the customers, their homes, and their businesses, but for the employees and the team I surround myself with.  My wife and I truly care about everyone involved in our company, and we know that we would not be where we are today without everyone working as hard as we do.

If you have a home or business in Flagstaff and are looking to get your windows washed, please give us a try.  Hopefully you will notice the friendly staff we have, and we will do our best to make your windows shine!

Kaminski Family Picture
Kaminski Family